Operational aspects - precursor investigations

On the operational side (investigations), it is important to ensure that suspicious transactions and attempted diversions, as well as seizures, are properly investigated. This requires a rapid exchange of information, interagency cooperation at the national level and cooperation with authorities in other countries.

What are Project Prism and Project Cohesion?

Project Prism (focusing on chemicals related to illicit synthetic drugs manufacture) and Project Cohesion (focusing on chemicals related to illicit heroin and cocaine manufacture) are international initiatives of the INCB that provide a focal point network and serve as the framework for international practical operational cooperation in precursor matters. Project Prism and Project Cohesion focal points are continually alerted to suspicious shipments and actual and attempted diversions of precursors, as well as newly emerging precursors. Alerts occur through Special Alerts and automated push notifications via the INCB Precursors Incident Communication System (PICS).

To nominate focal point(s) under Project Prism and/or Project Cohesion please submit nominations to: incb.precursors@un.org


What is the Precursors Incident Communication System (PICS)?

PICS is a secure online tool developed by the INCB to enhance real-time communication and information sharing between national authorities on precursor incidents. Use of the system is aimed at providing real-time data that may assist with investigations and a more expedient identification of emerging diversion patterns.

PICS is designed for use by personnel from a wide range of national regulatory and law enforcement authorities, who effect seizures, investigate chemical diversions or attempts, or might otherwise be in a position to identify, suspend or stop suspicious shipments entering, transiting or leaving their territory. PICS is made available to Governments at no cost.

If you are not yet registered to use PICS or would like to replace or add additional users, please send an e-mail to incb.pics@un.org to request an account (registration is available to Government officials from different agencies involved in precursor control)

For information on how to use PICS, check the user guide in the PICS system or contact incb.pics@un.org

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<p>See the <a href="https://www.incb.org/documents/PRECURSORS/Tools_and_Kits/PICS_Brochure.pdf">PICS brochure</a> for further details</p>


See the PICS brochure for further details