Understanding NPS chemistry and pharmacology

NPS substance groups

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The UNODC Early Warning Advisory categorizes NPS by substance groups that have been reported globally. To help laboratories with identification, many of the substances in the Early Warning Advisory contain analytical spectra and monographs.

NPS can be structured into nine main substance groups:

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NPS effect groups

NPS can also be categorized by effect. Click here for information about effect groups. 

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NPS available on drug markets have similar effects to substances under international control such as cannabis, cocaine, heroin, LSD, MDMA (ecstasy) or methamphetamine. The UNODC Early Warning Advisory provides a pharmacological categorization of NPS and shares studies covering pharmacological/toxicological information on NPS. 

 Which NPS have been reported globally?

Government officials and laboratories with access may submit NPS data directly to the Early Warning Advisory and see the list of substances reported here