
Resolution 61/8 (2018) of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs invited UNODC to continue to act as the coordinating entity within the United Nations system on efforts to implement activities to address the challenges posed by non-medical use of synthetic opioids.
In response, the UNODC Opioid Strategy coordinates multi-pronged integrated efforts to address the threats posed by synthetic drugs, particularly synthetic opioids and their precursors. As part of this response, the UN Toolkit on Synthetic Drugs brings together under one umbrella a wide range of guidance, tools and resources from a variety of specialised agencies across the UN system, as well as various entities within UNODC to support the international community to implement comprehensive responses to the synthetic drugs problem.

The UN Toolkit on Synthetic Drugs is supported by:

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unodc collaborating partners

The Toolkit not only brings together resources and tools from across the UN System, it also serves as a knowledge hub for specialised UNODC in-house expertise. The following sections and programmes within UNODC contributed to the Toolkit: