In 2021, UNODC launched the Synthetic Drug Strategy as a framework to guide international, regional, and national efforts to address the global synthetic drug problem. The UNODC Synthetic Drug Strategy is built on four interconnected spheres of action: multilateralism, early warning, health responses, and counternarcotics interventions. Each sphere plays a critical role in fostering comprehensive and coordinated responses. Learn more about each sphere of the Synthetic Drug Strategy.
To support countries in implementing the UNODC Synthetic Drug Strategy, we deliver tailored capacity-building and technical assistance activities. These initiatives provide comprehensive support across all four spheres of action to a diverse range of stakeholders.
Enhancing capacities of laboratories in advanced drug identification methods
Equipping officers with equipment and training to safely handle unknown substances
Bringing together tools to support responses to synthetic drugs. Access the Toolkit here.
Strengthening skills in collecting evidence from crime scenes involving synthetic drugs
Providing law enforcement with skills and tools to identify fraudulent documents
Providing tools and training to disrupt criminal networks involved in synthetic drug trafficking
Providing training and tools to prosecute and adjudicate synthetic drug cases
Building capacity of law enforcement to investigate online trafficking of synthetic drugs
Strengthening capacities to respond to laundering of synthetic drug proceeds
Providing guidance to prevent and address corruption in forensic drug analysis
Supporting countries to develop their national early warning systems for new and emerging drugs
Supporting establishment of national disposal plans for seized substances
Providing guidance to policymakers seeking to strengthen legal frameworks to counter synthetic drugs
Enabling information sharing to address synthetic drugs through global networks, like INLOD, FIAD, and JUST
Responding to the international need for a comprehensive and transnational approach to synthetic drugs, the UNODC Synthetic Drug Strategy supports the implementation of its activities in 130 countries. Learn more about where the Synthetic Drug Strategy is being implemented below. (Note: This map was created by commercial software. The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations.)
Activities are implemented through partnerships within UNODC, across the United Nations system, and with international and regional organizations. These collaborations enable the UNODC Synthetic Drug Strategy to harness synergies, break down silos, and deliver the most relevant and effective responses to the global synthetic drug problem.
Our collaborating partners include: Laboratory and Scientific Services, Passenger and Cargo Control Programme, CRIMJUST, Global Programme on Cybercrime, Global Programme against Money Laundering, Global Maritime Crime Programme, UNODC Regional Offices, Corruption and Economic Crime Branch, Research and Trend Analysis Branch, World Health Organization (WHO), International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), United Postal Union (UPU), International Narcotics Control Board (INCB), World Customs Organization (WCO), United Nations Population Fund (UNPFA), United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF), United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), International Labor Organization (ILO), Interpol, Global Coalition to Address Synthetic Drug Threats, and more.